Tools & Resources

These tools are designed to help you control your cash flow.

Eliminate Debt

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    Your initial subscription

    • Full twelve months of using the budget worksheet online
    • Two 45 minutes sessions on how to use the budget to control your cash flow and build a debt-free strategy (email for time and schedule)
    • 30 min session with our financial advisor on how to strategize your wealth-building goals (please upload attached goal sheets)

    Resources Books To Read

    Here is a list of great books to help you along your financial journey

    These books will help you get in the proper frame of mind to empower you to keep moving forward. I know this seems a bit out of the norm for us to be providing a list of resources that we did not write ourselves; however, there are many people out there who we can get inspiration from, and we here at the Financial Empowerment Show   want to give you every chance for success

    It’s Very Important to read on any subject you are pursuing in this case it is getting your finances in order

    So many times, we just want a plan and not have our mindset change in the process I have seen this so many times in me and in others and can return to the same habits we had before please read these resources and write down your goals and read them every day this has been a proven strategy for success

    Here is a quote that has used over the years:

    Watch your thoughts, they become words. Watch your words, they become actions.

    Watch your actions, they become habits. Watch your habits, they become character. Watch your character, it becomes your destiny!